leadership team performance:


Liddell Consulting begins the Leadership Team Performance process by meeting with key members of your leadership team in one-on-one interviews. The reasoning is to get each individual’s understanding of the company’s goals, vision, and challenges. Taking the findings, we create a personalized blend of learning content, tools, assessments, and expert facilitation that uses a real-world approach to make this process immediately relevant. 

View a Sample Assessment Report

“We were in a situation where we had lost a key manager. Taking a risk, we promoted a young, inexperienced manager into this open position knowing the potential was there for them to become a top manager in our company. With David’s coaching, we have been able to bring this manager up to speed much quicker than we would have on our own and brought him to a much higher level.”

Henry Huntington
President, Pleasant View Gardens, Inc.

The Quickstart process starts with end results in mind. What will success look like for your organization?

Liddell Consulting unlocks the wealth of insight through its collaboration with leaders and facilitated team discussions guided by four key building blocks.

Start Your Journey To Success

We're ready, are you?

We know that every company has a unique set of challenges.  Our perspective can help simplify what needs to be improved and our time-tested methods can provide clear steps toward your performance goals.

liddell executive coaching Boston MA