Leading a successful company largely depends on the people in it.

Whether you are hiring to fill a new role, replace someone who is departing, or trying to get good talent to stick around – your decisions have a butterfly effect. Everyone reading this newsletter has experienced what it is like if the wrong person lands in the wrong place, or the right person leaves.

A solid company culture is built on trust, transparency, communication, and accountability. People with integrity and substance want to work for a company that mirrors that, if they have anything to say about it. In other words, your company brand matters not only to your customers, but to your people as well. A strong workplace brand…

  • Engages the mind, heart, and aspirations
  • Creates excitement about working for your company
  • Reflects and supports your company’s products and/or services
  • Provides a clear and compelling reason to work at your company
  • Is well aligned with what your employees already believe about working at your company

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“What is certain for me is that the sustainability and longevity of financial results is absolutely more of a function of people, values, and cultures than anything else.” – Anthony Tjan





We believe that good leadership and learning go hand in hand. Reading books that broaden our understanding of good leadership is a great way to keep learning. Periodically we add new books we like to our list. You can find them at the bottom of our Events & Speaking page at LiddellConsulting.com.

Here are some of the books on our list.

  • Good People: The Only Leadership Decision That Really Matters – Anthony Tjan
  • Leading the Workforce of the Future – Brigette Tasha Hyacinth
  • Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t – Jim Collins
  • Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results – James Clear


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We know that every company has a unique set of challenges. Our perspective can help simplify what needs to be improved and our time-tested methods can provide clear steps toward your performance goals. Contact Liddell today.

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