August has traditionally been a vacation month for leaders.

Whether you actually travel or just take long weekends, this month is known to be slow in the office. Even before Covid and the quarantine, leaders have often been known to at least work remotely during this last summer month. The dissonance between the concepts of “taking a break is valuable” and “hard work is the only way to success,” however have always made it hard for leaders to truly disengage for any significant period of time.

“There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest.
Use both and overlook neither.”
-Alan Cohen

Disengaging from daily work priorities and managing the future of your business can be incredibly valuable. The separation allows leaders to reflect on past decisions and figure out future eventualities. With space between you and your day-to-day, you will likely find clarity. Adaptability is a huge part of successfully navigating the evolution of business. Pursuing completely different interests while on vacation can open the door for creativity and ingenuity.

Not only will you gain from the break, but the trust it demonstrates can ramp up employee engagement and strengthen your company culture. All of these leadership principles will put you a step ahead and give you something to build on when you return. Enjoy your break, invest in yourself, and see what it does for your success as a leader.

Jumpstart Leadership Performance


Liddell Consulting Monthly Office Hours touch on timely leadership challenges and solutions.

OFFICE HOURS | Friday August 14th @10am ET

This month we are talking about trust, foundational component of successful leadership and how it helps you create a following. Bring your stories, ideas, questions around these key ideas:

  • It takes courage to trust others to get the job done when you are ultimately responsible for results.
  • It can be difficult to know when people are ready to take on new responsibility.
  • How do you fill your time when you are giving everything away and being okay with it?
  • If things aren’t working well, stepping back in is risky.

Register Now

CUSTOMIZED WORKSHOPS | Leadership Development

Leadership workshops are a good place to start to bring teams together, inspire management, improve communications, and elevate performance. Below are some of our frequently requested leadership workshop topics, or get started on creating a program geared toward your unique challenges.

  • Leading Virtual Teams
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Becoming an Effective Leader
  • The Multi-Generational Workplace
  • Leading Through Change
  • Effective Delegation

Learn About our Workshops


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We’re ready, are you?

We know that every company has a unique set of challenges. Our perspective can help simplify what needs to be improved and our time-tested methods can provide clear steps toward your performance goals. Contact Liddell today.

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