You are familiar with the fact that listening is essential to being a good leader. Listening and really hearing what our clients and employees are saying to us generates trust and can affect important business decision making. But it’s not always easy to do.

Listening can be difficult for many reasons… you disagree, you are spread too thin, you feel like you’ve heard it before (you know you’ve thought at least one of these things). How can you get around the countless roadblocks to listening effectively? Here are a few strategies that may help:

  • Understand your own personal listening style and create the best environment.
  • Repeat back what is being said to yourself or aloud to help you focus on the message.
  • Try to put your opinion aside, and be respectful when you disagree.
  • Ask questions when what you are hearing seems repetitive, get to the heart of the message.

Keep in mind why you are having a conversation, and remember why listening has such a profound impact on leadership success. Listening builds unity, generates cooperative productivity, inspires both customer and employee loyalty, and allows you to make more objectively informed decisions. Being a good listener makes you a better leader.

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“Listening to both customers and colleagues to gather insights and information is a key ability that successful people possess.”
-Tony Salvador

TED@Intel | The Listening Bias | Tony Salvador



“If you’ve already decided what you are going to do after you ‘listen,’ you’re really not ‘listening.”
-Amy Cuddy

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