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Perpetual learning is how leaders become great. Stay informed, find ideas, find like-minded peers. Sign up for Leadership Insights. #LeadershipInsights #BeaGreatLeader #CSuite #CEO #BusinessOwner #LiddellLeads
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The new buzzword in leadership is disruption – disruption in workflow, disruption in processes, disruption in the approach to work and working. Disruption, defined as previously dismissed methods taking over the traditional, is being normalized in a different way. For example, working from home and conversations around mental health. The new disruptive culture makes some […]
“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them and it will change your life.” -Amy Poehler High performance teams are more productive and profitable, and simply more fun to be part of. Although each team develops a personality of its own, leaders are the ultimate drivers […]
You have a key management or executive team position to fill. You aren’t sure whether to promote from within or hire an outsider. What do you do? Wouldn’t it be great if there was a simple cut and dry answer. But the solution is unique to your company, your leadership team, your industry, your business […]
Great leadership is about more than having an action for every challenge. Sometimes strategic inaction or doing nothing is the best plan. That’s not to say ignore problems or turn a blind eye, but rather pause and let your silence allow a situation to play out. It means purposefully taking a pause before making a […]
When the country went into lockdown last March, leaders had to make some snap decisions to ensure their companies remained productive and profitable. Remote work became more mainstream, video calls took the place of business travel, and work environments became more flexible. Leadership styles too had to make a shift. When we say core leadership […]
What does conflict mean to you? Disagreement, opposition, argument, antagonism? Is it something you relish or avoid? Healthy conflict in a trusted environment leads to constructive debate and can enable your company to achieve greater productivity, profitability, and ultimately be a more satisfying place to work. Healthy conflict builds cohesive teams. The problem is that […]
At the end of each year people start talking about what to expect in the year to come. Anticipated music trends, the color of the year, the next fashion craze. Being successful in business is all about being ahead of the curve. Staying ahead of the competition, of clients’ needs, of market shifts, of industry […]