
Tagged: Leadership Insights

What’s Your Leadership Superpower? Leadership Insights from Liddell Consulting

November 6th, 2020 | Leadership Insights

Last week we talked about what has changed for leaders and what hasn’t as the expectations of leadership have evolved. As we sit around waiting for votes to be counted […]


October 29th, 2020 | Leadership Insights

With more generations represented the workforce than at any other time in modern history, leaders have a unique opportunity to be better than ever before. Diversity in expectations and needs, […]

How to Encourage Employees to Speak Up – Leadership Insights from Liddell Consulting

October 22nd, 2020 | Leadership Insights

You hired them for a reason. Their perspectives and ideas and experience have to potential to cost you or benefit you. We say it almost every week, a healthy company […]

The Business of Sports Metaphors – Leadership Insights from Liddell Consulting

September 17th, 2020 | Leadership Insights

Why is it that sports and business are compared so often? You’ve heard all the common metaphors: Down to the Wire. Full Court Press. Ballpark figure. Hail Mary. The differences […]

What Mentoring Can Mean for Your Business Success – Developing Top to Bottom Leadership – Leadership Insights from Liddell Consulting

September 8th, 2020 | Leadership Insights

A healthy company on a successful trajectory consistently has leadership growing at all levels. Yes, leadership strength at the top is important, but cultivating leaders at all levels of your […]

The Butterfly Effect – Hiring & Keeping the Right Talent – Leadership Insights from Liddell Consulting

September 3rd, 2020 | Leadership Insights

Leading a successful company largely depends on the people in it. Whether you are hiring to fill a new role, replace someone who is departing, or trying to get good […]

Getting Ready for What’s Next – Strategic Planning for Uncertain Times – Leadership Insights from Liddell Consulting

August 28th, 2020 | Leadership Insights

Creating a strategic plan in the midst of uncertainty is, ironically, the best time to do it. The process itself will remind you of why you do what you do, […]

Rest Doesn’t Equal Laziness – What vacation means to successful leadership – Leadership Insights from Liddell Consulting

August 13th, 2020 | Leadership Insights

August has traditionally been a vacation month for leaders. Whether you actually travel or just take long weekends, this month is known to be slow in the office. Even before […]

Creating Pathways to Leadership …isn’t only about your emerging leaders – Leadership Insights from Liddell Consulting

July 16th, 2020 | Leadership Insights

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