
Tagged: Strategic Business Planning

Why Company Culture is the Best Safeguard Against the “Big Quit” and Other Employment Trends

December 22nd, 2021 | Strategic Business Planning

Senior leadership and business owners are being bombarded with reports of people quitting their jobs in huge numbers. The reality of the “Big Quit” is likely impacting your organization in […]

Strategic Inaction – Silence Can Be Powerful – Leadership Insights from Liddell Consulting

March 19th, 2021 | Strategic Business Planning

Great leadership is about more than having an action for every challenge. Sometimes strategic inaction or doing nothing is the best plan. That’s not to say ignore problems or turn […]

Action! Pushing Strategy Down the Ranks – Leadership Insights from Liddell Consulting

March 5th, 2021 | Strategic Business Planning

You most likely have a strategic business plan in place in some form. How far down the chain is that plan being acted upon? Developing a plan that all partners […]

3 Ways to Ensure Your Leadership Success – Leadership Insights from Liddell Consulting

January 8th, 2021 | Strategic Business Planning

Leaders are used to facing challenges. But after being inundated with the unexpected over the past year, you may be hoping for a little break. Every year we spend time […]

Strategic planning for the short- and long-term

October 30th, 2020 | Strategic Business Planning

Strategic business planning is a process which helps focus your organization and aligns your senior management staff with a shared vision that builds excitement, and provides near and long term […]

Getting Ready for What’s Next – Strategic Planning for Uncertain Times – Leadership Insights from Liddell Consulting

August 28th, 2020 | Strategic Business Planning

Creating a strategic plan in the midst of uncertainty is, ironically, the best time to do it. The process itself will remind you of why you do what you do, […]

Where does your strategic plan stand? – Leadership Insights from Liddell Consulting

June 12th, 2020 | Strategic Business Planning

Rediscovering True North Revisiting your strategic plan is a good idea during periods of transition (regardless of how extreme). Organizations, regardless of size, history, diversity, industry, perform best when senior […]

Aligning People with Strategy – Inspire your employees to drive to results. Join us for this engaging small group workshop and discussion designed for CEOs, Senior Management, and business owners.

January 28th, 2020 | Strategic Business Planning

Executive Leadership Breakfast Wednesday, February 26th | 7:00 – 9:00 AM | Fin Point, Boston Companies today must be truly customer-centric and innovative to survive. If your employees are not […]

WeWork can be salvaged — but its turnaround plan isn’t enough — thenextweb.com

January 21st, 2020 | Strategic Business Planning

When company leaders try to boil the ocean, they usually come up short. There’s a great lesson in here on #strategy and #execution…” Focus on core mission and kill off […]

The Importance of an Abundance Mindset for Business Leaders | Inc.com

August 30th, 2019 | Strategic Business Planning

Overcoming today’s business challenges consistently and effectively needs a more dynamic way of thinking about people and situations. #leadership #success #LiddellLeads Choose to focus on abundance over scarcity. Source: The […]

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