Liddell Leads

Insights from Liddell Consulting Group, Leadership Consulting Firm Boston

Strong Communication Matters

November 22nd, 2019 | Liddell Leads

Effective two-way communication is an absolute necessity for building trust, and trust is the cure for most organizational challenges. It allows team members to interact fluidly, with passion, and breaks down the barriers to allow for personal and team growth, and ultimately for the success of your company.

How does a successful company avoid the dreaded Silo Mentality?

November 20th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

The short answer is cross-functional collaboration, which is when people from different areas of expertise reach across silos to work toward a common goal. But if you aren’t set up for it, how can you make it work? As with everything we share with our readers, it starts at the top. Once you have an […]

Nothing matters more than leadership.

November 18th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

Whether it’s growing a company, building a team, or developing an employee, nothing matters as much as leadership. Having a vision for an employee requires a keen understanding of a person’s full potential but also needs to be connected to their wants, needs, and desires. For the leader, this is not an extra effort but […]

All leaders have some level of an impact on others but it’s not always good.

November 14th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

To minimize the negative and increase the positive, the solution is simple – it starts with YOUR intent. The common expression “what were you thinking” makes our point. Unintended actions, outcomes, and consequences typically originate from the lack of a thoughtful and purposeful approach to dealing with people and situations. Leaders are charged with achieving […]

Your employees look to you mostly for your guidance, support, and perspective.

November 12th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

You are failing as a leader if you’re not consistently making a difference in the professional lives of the people around you. For ALL people… most importantly your employees, but also your peers and even your boss. Respectively, the nature of these relationships is different however the impact should be deliberate and focused on specific […]

Goldman Sachs HR chief: Leaders should worry about hiring top talent – Business Insider

November 12th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

This is the NEW normal. The talent shortage is an issue today and will persist for many years to come, and it is a math problem. There are not enough skilled people to fill existing roles and retirement is becoming real for the baby boomer generation. The combination of a large group of people leaving […]

Successful Leaders Make a Difference

November 8th, 2019 | Liddell Leads
successful leaders make a difference - apples

You are failing as a leader if you’re not consistently making a difference in the professional lives of the people around you. For ALL people… most importantly your employees, but also your peers and even your boss. Respectively, the nature of these relationships is different however the impact should be deliberate and focused on specific […]

Silo Doesn’t Have to be a Four Letter Word

November 6th, 2019 | Liddell Leads
silo mentality business

How many articles have you read recently vilifying the “Silo Mentality”?  In all of them, you’ll read about a company that is long on competitive drive, but find that their teams are competing against one another instead of working toward the success of the company as a whole.  Or there has been a set of boundaries established that are […]

The Missing Link: Accountability is Unavoidable

November 4th, 2019 | Liddell Leads
missing link success

Missing Link, according to Oxford Dictionary, is “a thing that is needed in order to complete a series, provide continuity, or gain complete knowledge.”  Being a successful leader takes foresight, character, and the ability to effectively set expectations balanced with consistently managing employee performance.  That last part is what derails many leaders in their quest for […]

Develop consistency and unity between the strategic initiatives of your business.

October 29th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

Organizations, like all living systems, can survive only to the extent they maintain harmony with their external environment. Liddell Consulting Group works with leaders to evaluate their environment, build business and organizational strategies, create a culture of productivity and engagement, and drive measurable results. Our experts work with leaders to fine-tune core processes, refine corporate […]

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