Liddell Leads

Insights from Liddell Consulting Group, Leadership Consulting Firm Boston

Getting results means understanding your starting point.

October 24th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

The first step toward impactful leadership and a competitive organization is identifying current strengths and areas for improvement. Liddell Consulting Group offers a series of assessments and tools to evaluate where your company and team stand to help inform targeted action steps and development programs for moving toward optimal performance. Learn More

Shared with me today from my best friend over more than 30 years. So true. #leadership #LiddellLeads

October 21st, 2019 | Liddell Leads


To Grow Your Organization, Grow Your Leadership.

October 21st, 2019 | Liddell Leads

Leaders create opportunities that allow others to contribute and perform together in extraordinary ways. Do you have the leaders you need at your company? Is your leadership prepared to address rapid growth, new strategic directions, and future retirements? Liddell Consulting employs proven training and development tools to help organizations build leadership from within, such as […]

How do you build a great business culture? Define it. Don’t let it be an accident.

October 17th, 2019 | Liddell Leads
business culture

People make the difference between a successful company, and a highly successful company. Effective teams see results when they work together under an umbrella of mutual trust, commitment and accountability. Trust One Another Engage in Conflict Around Ideas Commit to Decisions Hold One Another Accountable Focus on Achieving Collective Results

Working with a Liddell facilitator during your strategic planning session helps generate more objective and useful results.

October 15th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

Liddell Consulting will guide your planning sessions with… A time-tested methodology for guiding your group through the process. An objective voice not tied to supporting a particular organizational viewpoint. A climate in which all the participants, regardless of level, can feel free to express their opinions. The ability to handle differences of opinion and maintain […]

Inspiring Leadership Expertise

October 11th, 2019 | Liddell Leads
dave liddell

Whether serving as a panel member, keynote, breakout session leader, or as facilitator of a custom workshop, our team has a track record of leaving audiences inspired. Meet the Speaker

Liddell Consulting Group works closely with executives wishing to invest in their own critical competencies by serving as a thought partner.

October 9th, 2019 | Liddell Leads
executive coaching

Our programs are customized to directly address the specific challenges executives face, and have proven to quickly enhance performance. In a fast-paced environment, having a trusted adviser enables leaders think through and tackle even the most complicated challenges.

90% of companies fail at successfully executing their strategic plans.

October 7th, 2019 | Liddell Leads
business planning

That’s the number reported by The Balanced Scorecard by David Norton and Robert Kaplan. Even when we you look to more conservative research, the numbers suggest around ⅔ to 70%. Regardless of the exact figure, the likelihood of failure is high. A successfully executed business plan is key to creating a strong organization culture, efficient […]

Top 7 Reasons for a Facilitated Strategic Planning Session

October 4th, 2019 | Liddell Leads
strategic business planning

There are some organizations led by doers who will take firm goals and begin mapping an event to develop their strategic plan. The best strategic plan is formulated from input from multiple people within your organization. This helps to ensure that every detail is captured and nothing is overlooked. The most effective way to host a […]

When it comes to Business Planning, Planning is the Easy Part

October 2nd, 2019 | Liddell Leads
business planning

Let’s assume you have taken the time and effort to create a deliberate and thoughtful business plan for your company. One that has outlined your mission, vision, values, and has definitive business goals and objectives. Good for you! That is certainly the first step. Unfortunately, 90% of companies fail at successfully executing their strategic plans, […]

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