Liddell Leads

Insights from Liddell Consulting Group, Leadership Consulting Firm Boston

Find top talent, and keep it.

February 20th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

Hiring right the first time you have a job opening reduces training time, lowers turnover, and can save you money. It’s estimated that a bad hire can cost up to twice their annual salary. Using proven methods, Liddell Consulting Group approaches interviewing and candidate selection to gather important relevant, quality information to make more accurate […]

There’s a science to hiring the right candidate.

February 19th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

The Liddell Consulting Group can introduce you to behavioral interviewing techniques to help you predict the future success of candidates before they’re hired. It’s a systematic process for acquiring relevant details about the candidates’ skills and past experiences to unearth the best candidates for your position.

Finding the right candidate involves analysis and planning.

February 18th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

Relying on gut feel for candidate selection can only get you so far. Using a methodical approach, your team can find the best fit for your business, which can potentially save time and money.

Build the right team.

February 15th, 2019 | Liddell Leads
Build the right team.

Recruiting right the first time saves your business from wasting valuable time and money on a bad hire.

A methodical approach to hiring right.

February 13th, 2019 | Liddell Leads
right candidate

Behavioral interviewing allows teams to predict the success of candidates before they are hired, Providing a systematic process. Helping acquire relevant and objectives information. Helping protect the organization from costly lawsuits. Providing best match between candidate and job. Reducing training time and lowering turnover.

Behavioral interviewing allows teams to predict success with accuracy.

February 8th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

Although deciding on a person to fill a role is frequently left to instinct, organizations achieve greater success with the methodology of behavioral interviewing. Using these techniques, managers trained by the Liddell Consulting Group discover relevant information on prospective clients’ experience, and are able to determine if the candidate is a good fit for your […]

Find the right fit for your company, the role, your culture.

February 6th, 2019 | Liddell Leads
company culture

Ensuring that a prospective candidate is the right candidate is of vital importance. One “bad” hire can represent a loss in both time and money, as well as morale. The Liddell Consulting Group introduces managers to behavioral interviewing as a methodology, opening the door for a candidate reveal how they might perform within the culture […]

Liddell Consulting Group works with leaders to evaluate their environment, build business and organizational strategies, create a culture of productivity and engagement, and drive measurable results.

February 4th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

Learn the key elements of a sound organization with Liddell’s Transformation Model, so that you can consistently monitor successes and evolve following the direction and guidance of a well-developed business strategy.

Liddell Consulting Group uses a proven framework that has produced a strong track record of success for CEOs and top executives.

February 4th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

A CEO has responsibilities and obligations ranging from setting strategy and building senior teams to allocating capital, all while successfully modeling culture and delegating wisely. Our methodological framework follows a structured approach, while addressing a customized set of goals.

Recruit right the first time. Did you know that the cost of a bad hire can be 1 to 2X their annual salary?

January 30th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

Showing your talent what their career path can be and providing them with options will help you retain the right people. A happy team makes for a successful company. The clearest path to besting your competition is by growing and developing a strong team.

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