The leadership headlines are clear. Forbes, IndustryWeek, and beyond all show an undeniable emphasis on flexibility.

“Flexibility makes you a strong leader” – Inc.
“Finding the right balance and flexibility” – HBR
“Flexibility is the key to creative leadership” – Forbes
“Leaders Must Be Flexible and Focus on the Journey” – IndustryWeek

But for those who learned that there was a right way and a wrong way to lead, the call for flexibility can make us want to dig in, especially when we have been successful with our practices so far.

Still, with up to five generations now working together in the workplace, and a global pandemic that is still stubbornly disrupting things, doing it how you’ve always done it may not be working for you the way it once did. Respect for leaders isn’t a given in the way it once was. Working all hours sacrificing family and health isn’t either.

Every good leader understands being nimble in times of change. Now is the time to incorporate flexibility into not only your business practice strategy but also your leadership style and how you develop new leaders.

Inability to adjust will land you in a difficult spot. The marketplace will start to work around what your company has to offer, and you will fail to attract and retain top talent. Neither one of those is an attractive key indicator. And while it may not be evident today, by the time it becomes clear, it could be difficult to address. Flexibility in how you lead and your leadership development efforts permeates every level of your organization. Here’s how:

The Newer Generations Expect It
As the younger generations have been graduating into more influential roles and higher leadership positions, they have brought their attitudes toward work/life balance with them. They expect adaptability from the people they are responsible to and those they are responsible for. If they don’t find it, they will move on. According to trends, Gen Y and Gen Z see little reason to be loyal to an employer. Members of those generations don’t expect a gold watch at retirement. They likely wouldn’t even understand this reference. Their leadership style and growth trajectories remain fluid and flexible, just like their approach to work and productivity. If they are in a company culture that doesn’t meet their needs or developing leadership styles, they will exit; and the wake they leave in your organization will be wide.

Flexibility is no longer a perk. Especially after the past few years, everyone understands the value of flexibility (and demands it) in a company’s culture before joining a new company.

Customers Expect It
Businesses that thrived during the pandemic were either lucky or adapted to the changing environment. They quickly adjusted to continue delivering value to the customer. They changed how they met customer expectations and employee needs by creating flexible work arrangements and service or product delivery. Those that refused to change closed or saw dips in sales.

It’s Necessary for Recruiting
You want the right people working for you and staying. Sometimes those people are in your backyard; sometimes they’re not. Sometimes they look like those you have built your organization on so far, and sometimes they look entirely different. New ideas, new perspectives, new skills, and strengths bring a wealth of possibilities.

Adapting to Flexible Leadership Development Must Be Proactive
It’s true – if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it – but forcing outmoded leadership methods will set back your success. We all are creatures of habit and sometimes don’t realize something is broken until it’s difficult to salvage. A strategically proactive approach to flexibility in your leadership style and leadership development is part of a solid foundation. You can have what appears to be a strong organization, only to discover a crack.

Are you ready to see how leadership flexibility in leadership can change your business through the lessons learned in our leadership development or team performance programs? Contact us today!

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