Leadership experts hear from leaders over and over again that one of the hardest parts of their job is dealing with the people stuff. People are more than just employees – they are balancing elderly parents and defiant teenagers and health scares and long commutes in addition to work.

Navigating the nuances of motivating people and creating a culture where employees want to perform beyond their job description requires more than dangling a carrot. Managing difficult personalities or relationships, and handling business uncertainties can have different solutions on different days. The old management standards of calling out underperformers and penalizing difficult personalities don’t resolve issues. They might put a band-aid on it, but the problem will keep bubbling up.

The best starting point for working through the people stuff is identifying root cause, and using that knowledge to create a meaningful path to resolutions that will have a lasting positive impact. Digging deeper, although more time consuming than the quick-fix answers, is an investment in finding the right answers for now and the future.

  • Lay a solid leadership foundation
  • Create an environment built on trust and accountability
  • Prepare for ongoing dedication to communication
  • Set measurable checkpoints

Employee engagement and company culture are two recurring leadership themes we see. Take a look at a few of our past pieces that dig into these topics.

Employee Engagement

Company Culture

Leadership Development

“You don’t build a business. You build people and then people build the business.” -Zig Ziglar


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