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With more generations represented the workforce than at any other time in modern history, leaders have a unique opportunity to be better than ever before.

Diversity in expectations and needs, as well as approaches and capabilities provide leaders with the chance to learn how to face future challenges from a new vantage point. Looking at the range in ages represented – 18 to 65 – it is clear why there is such variation.

Baby Boomers aspire to have job security and think careers are defined by employers. They want a boss to be ethical, fair and consistent. When it comes to motivation, Boomers are attracted to more money and working in an innovative environment.

Gen X aspire to have a work-life balance and although are loyal to a profession will not necessarily stick with the same employer. 61% of Generation X think team consensus is important.

Millennials or Gen Y aspire to have freedom and flexibility – they are digital entrepreneurs. They look to company values and 55% of them think team consensus is key. 8 out of 10 millennials look for a manager to act as a mentor or coach.

Gen Z aspire to have security and stability; they are career multitaskers taking advantage of the gig economy.


What’s Different for Leaders Today

What is required of leaders in today’s marketplace is equally as diverse. Gone are the days of simply checking time sheets and sales goals. Recent decades have shown a clear shift to an emphasis on employee engagement, a healthy company culture, trusted and clear communications, as well as collaboration and career path development.

Every leader must convey their vision for the future of their business so that each manager, employee, contract worker understands what they are part of and how they, individually, make a difference. The idea that moving forward as an entity instead of playing follow the leader, is proving more productive.

What’s the Same

Have the characteristics of great leaders really changed that much? Great leaders have always set an example for those who look to them for direction. By providing clarity during uncertain times and encouragement during times of growth, great leaders have enabled their people to build lives and careers while hanging their hat on the words leaders share with them.

The speed of communication, competition and global reach certainly have complicated the challenges that leaders face, however the fundamental truth of great leadership remains the same. Great leaders are teachers who are consistently learning and pivoting to meet the road ahead. Great leaders push themselves and those around them to innovate and be better. Great leaders listen and empower.

Each generation has an opportunity at this point to lend their insights and perspectives to raise the bar. Each leader has a chance to push themselves and those around them to take advantage of what is being presented. What will the next generation learn from the great leaders of today?

What Kind of Leader are You?

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each another.”

-John F. Kennedy


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