Regardless of profession, hard work, discipline, passion, and dedication are the key ingredients for success. The secret to the sauce, however, is all high-achievers have a good coach.

Coaching for success is expected for athletes and actors. Top business leaders have also caught on to the trend, leveraging an executive coach helps CEOs work toward creating and executing winning strategy. Coaching is a collaborative partnership that will help you identify blind spots, push your limits, and create an action plan that generates real results.

Executive coaching is ultimately an investment in yourself, and by improving yourself, you can spark a chain reaction that leads to major improvements in performance across your entire business. Think about it – building your own career while accelerating your business performance at the same time? Executive coaching is a win-win.

“The unfortunate truth is that many leaders spend more time
working in the business instead of on the business.”

What Keeps You Up at Night?

If you are like most business leaders, thinking about your organization’s future probably keeps you up at night. Is your company operating efficiently? Is your product or service competitive? What will the market look like in five years? The unfortunate truth is that many leaders spend more time working in the business instead of on the business. More time is spent playing whack-a-mole with short term crises and daily fire drills. If you read our recent post or attended our August Office Hours, you’ll remember us talking about how it can be difficult for even the most experienced executive to simultaneously focus on daily execution while also mapping out a plan for the future. Constantly shifting between “reactive mode” and “planning mode” can be especially draining.

The key is to trust the experts you have working for you and learn how to focus on the things that truly matter in the long term. Executive coaching enables you to shift your attention and focus on outcomes, think strategically, and ultimately broaden your focus. This is absolutely critical if you plan to steer your organization towards long term success. By forcing you to carve out time to craft a plan and shift your attention towards the bigger picture, you’ll be better positioned to push your company towards your desired outcomes. Keep in mind – an executive coach won’t define the outcomes for you, he or she will simply help YOU to define them and hold you accountable for reaching them.

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A Trusted Voice

Working with all different types of leaders over the years, we have found that company challenges typically fall within similar categories – strategic direction, challenging partnerships, communication across the departments or business units, hiring and keeping the right talent, to name a few. How each challenge impacts you and your business under the constraints that you are dealing with and with the resources that you have, is specific to you. Working with an experienced executive coach can provide insight and direction beyond what you can see from your vantage point.

Think of your executive coach as a trusted partner. They can certainly provide you with advice, but leading you to the right answer is the more powerful resource. His or her objective view of your challenges can help you determine the source of your company’s problems and unpack what’s really going on, then you can craft solution and a strategy that will work even when your challenges evolve.

What are Your Limits, Really?

What got you to where you are today – your background, personality, timing? Regardless of what may have helped propel you to the top of your organization, successful leadership requires an entirely different skill set all together. To make it long term, you need to push yourself beyond your comfortable limits and develop new skills that enable you to be a true leader. Even those with the strongest sense of self-motivation will find this tough to accomplish independently without guidance.

An executive coach will help you to achieve more than you could on your own through an action-oriented process that begins with getting to know you on a personal level. Your coach will learn your strengths, motivations, work patterns, plus the weakness-skeletons you have tucked away. They will challenge you every step of the way and hold you accountable for achieving the results you established as priorities.

Do Better, Be Better

Executive coaching is more than an investment in yourself. It is an investment in your organization. It pushes you to be better, so that you can in turn push your organization to be better. The ROI of executive coaching goes far beyond a dollar figure. Instead, it unlocks unlimited growth potential for you and your organization. Through executive coaching, leaders develop a stronger executive presence, an increase in emotional intelligence, and solid situational leadership skills that can be used to set the foundation for long term, sustainable growth.

Today’s business environment is throwing firsts at leaders it seems like every week. The old term “fast-paced business world” seems quaint. Executives are facing pressure like never before as the unexpected becomes routine. You and your company have to keep up, and enhancing your own leadership skills and developing the team around you is fundamental to long-term success. Working with an executive coach can be difficult and uncomfortable at times, and time consuming. But the investment will help you grow and win.

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We know that every company has a unique set of challenges. Our perspective can help simplify what needs to be improved and our time-tested methods can provide clear steps toward your performance goals. Contact Liddell today.

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