We wish you the very happiest and healthiest holiday season, and a successful 2021!

Thank you for being part of our community and for making our work fulfilling and interesting. We hope we see more of each of you in the year to come.

Please note: Leadership Insights is taking a week off next week. We will see you next year!


How to Encourage Employees to Speak Up | October 2020

You hired them for a reason. Their perspectives and ideas and experience have to potential to cost you or benefit you. We say it almost every week, a healthy company culture is built on trust. Do your employees trust you and your leadership enough to speak up? … Read More



“You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.” -C.S. Lewis

Making Lemonade – Lessons About the Value of Company Culture | December 2020

Year end means profit and loss numbers are coming in, and the reality of what Covid has done to your business is in the books. If you were experiencing even a little trouble with employee engagement, cross functional collaboration, or productivity before, you likely have seen a major dip in profitability. … Read


 Virtual Leadership and the Role of Adaptability | October 2020

 Work style has seen a significant shift since March. Remote workforces have grown exponentially. It happened so fast for some companies that workflow and processes have been playing catchup ever since. … Read More



How Successful CEOs Accelerate Their Leadership Team’s Performance | July 2020

Your leadership team will make or break your company’s future success. As technology and communication continue to revolutionize the business world, many CEOs are not equipped to handle today’s complex, fast-paced working environments alone. … Read More

virtual meetings


Okay, Actually Our Top 4

April 2020 | How Leaders & Managers Can Keep People Focused & Productive at Home

May 2020 | Delegation From a Distance – Setting People Up for Success in a Virtual World

October 2020 | How Leaders Can Help Prevent Employee Burnout

November 2020 | Delivering Difficult News in Challenging Times

virtual meetings


Books We’re Reading

Although we talk about the books we read a fair amount, the list of what we have read is a little hard to find. At the bottom of the Events & Speaking tab of our website you can find the fantastic and diverse leadership books on our book shelf. We’ve found many on our own, but some have come directly from YOU. We promise to keep you up to date on what we are reading next. … See the List

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We know that every company has a unique set of challenges. Our perspective can help simplify what needs to be improved and our time-tested methods can provide clear steps toward your performance goals. Contact Liddell today.

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