One leadership lesson learned by anyone in business over the past 4 months is that adaptability is essential.

Adaptability doesn’t mean that you have to change your business strategy every time it rains, but we clearly saw companies that could have easily disappeared in a puff of smoke, turn on a dime. Holding your breath and waiting for challenging events to pass then resuming as if nothing happened, will likely leave you behind.

Without hesitation, when the Coronavirus hit, the very best companies told employees to stay home, then invested large sums of money on technology so they could work from home, and provided unprecedented flexibility in working hours…all without getting stuck in the what-ifs. Creative responses to the uncertainty led some companies to completely pivot. I’m thinking of the gin distillery that quickly started making alcohol-based hand sanitizer, and the pet product manufacturer that retooled production lines to make medical-grade face masks.

One thing companies that managed well through the Coronavirus had in common is that they stayed focused on business continuity. They identified a need and took advantage of their resources to create a solution.


Really, living through events that cry for change almost makes it easier to adapt. Getting the timing right and altering your change without dire motivation is much harder. Put the Pandemic aside for a moment, some leaders take the same approach for years figuring – it worked once, it’ll work again. But, it’s hard to be effective with the same methods indefinitely.

When times are telling you to change, shying away from could be a mistake. Take advantage of this push and take a step forward. Try viewing your leadership approach, communication style, workflows, or processes from a different angle.

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Executive Coaching is designed to enhance both your leadership skills and the performance of your organization. We will help you:


  • Move beyond self-imposed limitations
  • Develop and enhance your leadership abilities
  • Improve interpersonal and relationship building skills
  • Embrace feedback as an improvement tool
  • Establish priorities and receive exceptional performance reviews
  • Understand the necessity of good communication
  • Improve your decision making skills
  • Develop a flexible management style
  • Execute winning business strategies
  • Develop a talent pool and create loyalty
  • Manage others through increased personal effectiveness
  • Cultivate a network that helps you and your organization
  • Align yourself with corporate objectives
  • Balance work and life priorities

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Upcoming Events


Friday, July 17th @10am ET

Co-facilitated by David Liddell and Ali Rayfield, our Monthly Virtual Office Hours are open to clients and colleagues, as well as those who are new to the Liddell Consulting community. These hour long events focus on different timely leadership topics announced as each date nears. Dave and Ali will lead the conversation, but encourage participants to come with personal experiences and questions. Keep your eye out for the July leadership focus.

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Past Office Hours Topics

  • How Leaders & Managers Can Keep People Focused & Productive at Home
  • Delegation from a distance – Setting People Up for Success in a Virtual World
  • Managing Performance – How to Give & Receive Feedback Virtually
  • People, Tech Transformation & Unleashing Remote Work
  • Employee Engagement – Connecting Between Screens
  • Your Workplace Culture & the Quarantine – Evolving to Succeed & Thrive
  • Leadership Lessons Learned – How Resiliency Will Conquer the Coronavirus

A meeting link will be sent to all who register to participate. If you have a topic you would like to suggest, please let us know.


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We know that every company has a unique set of challenges. Our perspective can help simplify what needs to be improved and our time-tested methods can provide clear steps toward your performance goals. Contact Liddell today.

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