Over the past few months you’ve gone through a lot as a leader. Being a business owner, CEO, member of senior leadership, or manager goes hand-in-hand with stress on an average day, but the past six month have really put leaders to the test.

There are all the added complications around supply chain operations and continuity of business, workflow and process changes, not to mention the fear and confusion related to safety and health, to name just a few. All of this can bring out the worst or the best in leaders depending on how you view uncertainty and the strength of the culture you have built around you.

Company culture is one of the foundational concepts of successful leadership that we talk about all the time. When you build an environment upon trust, transparency, and accountability, your leaders, teams, and employees find themselves invested in what they do for more than a paycheck. Culture is one of those things that isn’t a quick fix, however. It has to be grown over time. And it is one of those things that can help put stress into perspective during times of uncertainty.

What is the “personality” of your company? What do those who work for you think of the culture that you have created? What does your productivity during the last six months suggest to you about how invested your employees are in what they do? (And what are these questions doing to your stress level?)

Download the Quickstart PDF

“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic.”
-Peter Drucker

5 Steps to Building a Great Culture

Define it

Live it

Talk about it

Measure it

Reward it

Speak to a Consultant


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