At the end of each year people start talking about what to expect in the year to come. Anticipated music trends, the color of the year, the next fashion craze.

Being successful in business is all about being ahead of the curve. Staying ahead of the competition, of clients’ needs, of market shifts, of industry relevance. Yes, companies need to evolve, but leadership principles that are the most successful, for the most part, have remained the same for the duration.

In recent years we have begun to talk a lot about company culture and employee engagement and building leadership at all levels. These values were not at the forefront of the leadership conversation 100 years ago, but leaders who inspire and motivate along with the success they have achieved, were the ones who resonate and will continue to be the ones to do so.

What is the Leadership Blueprint?

Have a Vision
Andrew Carnegie, the famously successful steel magnate of the early 1900s, began his life with little – “The best time to expand is when no one else dares to take risks.”

Seek Perspective
In the middle of the 20th Century, John F. Kennedy Jr. was a leader known for being boldly optimistic, as well as firmly realistic – “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”

Inspire Others
Steve Jobs was an inventor and a visionary who seemed to birth the technological era we are living in today, and was known for never resting in the face of success or defeat – “My job is not to be easy on people. My job is to make them better.”

Lead by Example
Tony Hsieh was the CEO of Zappos for 21 years. He passed away two weeks ago just shy of his 47th birthday. He was famous for building a business no one thought could succeed, and a company culture widely believed to be the picture of success. “For individuals, character is destiny. For organizations, culture is destiny.”

Successful leadership isn’t trendy, it has always been about knowing when to listen, when to be resolute, and when to give. Even though the language we use may evolve, the leadership principles that have endured will continue to do so. Understand your role as the example of what success looks like at your company, and build the people around you to be the best they can be, so that together you can prosper.

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Tap the image above to view Tony Hsieh’s inspiring TED Talk on challenging yourself.

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