Year end means profit and loss numbers are coming in and the reality of what Covid has done to your business is in the books.

If you were experiencing even a little trouble with employee engagement, cross functional collaboration, or productivity before, you likely have seen a major dip in profitability. It’s times like these that make it clear how connected your success and company culture truly are.

If only you focused more on culture and engagement before the Pandemic… hind site is 20/20, right? Establishing a healthy company culture that can endure adversity, change and challenge is not a destination. It is an attitude… We recognize that this can be overwhelming to hear. The good news is that you can begin making a change today.

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”

― C.S. Lewis

Leadership Development Programs

Getting Started: Tips for Improving Your Company Culture

Take a beat and do a little self reflection.
How is your health? Stress can take a toll – and you’ve endured your share this year. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating right. As they used to say when we flew all the time – put your own oxygen mask on first, then take care of others.

Rebalance your priorities. Work and home boundaries may be a bit blurred for you, as they are for those who work for you. Working from home can do that. Take a look at what has worked over the past 9 months and what needs more attention. Now is time to make any changes that haven’t already been made.

Evaluate your top performers. A healthy culture necessitates building leadership at all levels of your company. Look around and see who rose to the challenge over the past year. Identify who they are and what went right. Change can be hard, take note of the successes.

Establish expectations. Look at the goals you had set for 2020 and determine where you stand. 2021 will not only be a year of making up any lost ground, but also about adapting to new expectations. Show your employees what you expect of them by creating measurable goals.

Walk the talk. “Being the example” is a leadership responsibility that is not going away any time soon. Showing how you are invested in your employees success will show them how important they are, and will inspire their investment in your company’s success.

Being successful isn’t about endless wins, sometimes it is about making lemonade out of lemons. If any year has been a lemon in recent history, it’s 2020. Don’t get stuck in the what if’s and should have’s – rather take what you learned and make the bold change to be as successful as possible in the face of whatever is next.

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