Why is it that sports and business are compared so often? You’ve heard all the common metaphors: Down to the Wire. Full Court Press. Ballpark figure. Hail Mary.

The differences between the two are obvious. A good CEO isn’t likely to loudly and publicly berate an executive until they perform at their best. A responsible executive coach wouldn’t push a rising leader to make money as fast and furiously as possible regardless of the costs to their long-term career or health. Nor do leaders in business compete with their opponent one-on-one in an arena.

But there are many similarities. Both good sports teams and successful businesses rely on exceptional leadership for example, and depend on strength from throughout their ranks. They require clear strategy working in tandem with a tactical approach to achieve goals. And successful teams both in business and sports depend on persistence and adaptability in the face of challenge.

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“Coaching is unlocking a person’s inner potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.”
-W. Timothy Gallwey

Whether an executive or an athlete, all players can benefit from a voice they can trust that will draw out their best. The best leaders have an eye on company strategy and can see when that voice might be best employed.

Executive Can see potential for added success, but needs help in working through to the best path.
Manager of Managers Clearly understands how the goals set support company strategy, but might need added tools to reach them.
Emerging Talent Shows leadership potential, but would benefit from character or voice-building direction.

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What We’re Reading…

#alt_tagInner-Game-of-Tennis-BookThe Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance by W. Timothy Gallwey

“This phenomenally successful guide has become a touchstone for hundreds of thousands of people. Not just for tennis players, or even just for athletes in general, this handbook works for anybody who wants to improve his or her performance in any activity, from playing music to getting ahead at work. W. Timothy Gallwey, a leading innovator in sports psychology, reveals how to

• focus your mind to overcome nervousness, self-doubt, and distractions

• find the state of “relaxed concentration” that allows you to play at your best

• build skills by smart practice, then put it all together in match play

Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, Gallwey’s engaging voice, clear examples, and illuminating anecdotes will give you the tools you need to succeed.”

See What We’re Reading  

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