Work style has seen a significant shift since March. Remote workforces have grown exponentially. It happened so fast for some companies that workflow and processes have been playing catchup ever since.

Leaders have largely caught up by scheduling video calls and virtual meetings to make up for the in-office practices and to ensure work stays on deadline. They have tightened relationships with individuals and clearly communicated company goals and plans virtually. But some have seen unanticipated shifts in culture, personal interactions, and levels of productivity.

Personality type plays a large part in these changes. Extroverted workers who were energized by “watercooler talk” feel the isolation more than those who thrive on quieter work environments, for example. A different set of skills is now being required of employees, including a greater emphasis on time management and self-motivation, as well as technological proficiency.

Which begs the question, how well do you know your employees and their work styles? How has the more remote work environment impacted productivity? Even leaders who have great relationships and know their workforce as individuals very well, can benefit from a recalibration.

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4 Ways Leaders Can Foster Adaptability

  • PACE Assess how speed fits into your organizational culture. Do an analysis on your past pace, current pace and sustainable pace.
  • PERSPECTIVE Determine the roles of intellectual curiosity and technical competence. Recognize that accepting new possibilities, rapid change, and new ways of doing business does not come naturally to most people. They need your perspective and guidance.
  • BEHAVIORS Gauge mental fitness. Bring awareness to thoughts and how they impact daily action and strengthen those skills.
  • BURNOUT Even for the people who love change, there is a saturation point. Building resilience-to-change helps, but you must do pay close attention to burnout cues.

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to have changed often.”

-Winston Churchill

TED TALK 3 Ways to Measure Your Adaptability — and How to Improve It

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