Last week we talked about what has changed for leaders and what hasn’t as the expectations of leadership have evolved. As we sit around waiting for votes to be counted to find out who the next leader of the free world will be, we thought now would be a good time to talk about self-awareness in leadership.

Some leaders excel at listening, others are creative visionaries or have the ability to be highly analytical, some have clarity in the face of uncertainty. Whatever your leadership superpower, knowing who you are as a leader and what you are naturally best at, can give you a unique leadership strength and advantage.

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Self-Awareness is a Superpower

What self-awareness can empower you to do.

⇒ Move beyond self-imposed limitations
⇒ Embrace feedback as an improvement tool
⇒ Improve your decision making skills
⇒ Develop a flexible management style
⇒ Execute winning business strategies
⇒ Develop a talent pool and create loyalty
⇒ Manage others through increased personal effectiveness
⇒ Align yourself with corporate objectives
⇒ Balance work and life priorities


“Many leadership problems are driven by low self-awareness.”

– Bill Hybels

What’s Your Kryptonite?

Knowing your strengths is only half of it. Self-awareness requires a look at what your weaknesses are as well. As scientist Sir Isaac Newton showed, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. It makes sense then, that knowing where your weaknesses lie is an important part of self-awareness. Looking through that window and knowing the full picture enables you to use your kryptonite to your advantage.

Part of what we preach about great leadership is transparency, accountability and trust. When leaders show they are human and acknowledge where improvements can be made, it illustrates how managers and employees can communicate their own hurdles. Self-awareness takes looking at yourself for the good and the bad.

Leadership is about constantly learning. That includes learning more about yourself. Times change, markets change, client needs change, employee expectations change, so why expect that you will remain the same forever. Take a beat and reflect. Is it time to check in with yourself?

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“Self-leadership is about awareness, tolerance, and not letting your own natural tendencies limit your potential.”

Scott Belsky

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