You are Invited

Executive Leadership Breakfast 7AM 9/25 @ Fin Point

Competing to Attract & Retain Top Talent


There is a premium on top talent in today’s business landscape. In fact, there are strong headwinds just to keep up with the normal demands. Competition will only increase as your business environment grows more complex – with technology and regulation disruption, combined with on-going and wide-scale demographic shift.

Join us, and a small group of your peers, to discuss how organizations need to develop a strong workplace brand, leverage technology, and foster a culture of innovation so you can to attract and retain top talent.

We will explore key questions you need to consider for your organization and the importance of engaging other leaders in building your competitive advantage.

  • What is your unique workplace brand?
  • What are your competitive differentiators?
  • How do you measure up against the competition?
  • What do you need to improve on to ensure that our own workplace value proposition allows you to attract and retain top talent?

Your workplace brand must be “genuine.” It can’t be a simple promotional paragraph on your website. It must be a true part of your organizational fabric and universally supported at all levels of leadership.

Cost: $125. Space is limited.

Hilton Valet Validation Provided

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