The level you have reached as a leader doesn’t impact your need to learn, innovate, and grow.

Zeroing in on the goals you want to achieve and understanding creative challenge resolutions helps you and your business be great. Finding a mentor and even being a mentor can help fulfill that need.

Mentoring is about encouraging someone to grow, strengthen skills, improve performance… Being a mentee is about defining your goals and ambitions, opening your mind to your opportunities, and committing to your own growth.

Be One

So how do you start a mentoring program within your organization? Identifying leaders who exemplify success within your culture and employees who have a skillset or traits that show promise – is a good place to begin. Carefully match personalities to maximize success: similar interests, compatible personalities, complementary skills. Always be cognizant of the purpose of your program, and measure progress and by creating a healthy sense of accountability.

What is an Individual Development Plan?

An IDP is a written plan of career objectives, along with the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to achieve, activities to provide the opportunity to learn and apply, and a timeframe and measurements to gauge progress.

  • Individually tailored
  • Enhances knowledge, skills and experiences
  • Improves performance morale, and job satisfaction
  • A win/win strategy

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Find One

Top executives can find it challenging to establish a mentor relationship for themselves. Although trusted peers and colleagues may be aplenty, finding an objective, impartial voice unrelated to your business dealings may not be as easy at this stage. Executive coaching has become increasingly used over the past few decades as leaders encounter nuanced stumbling blocks not seen before. A mentor is defined as being an experienced and trusted adviser, so selecting a coach that fits your stage and goals is essential.

“Don’t abandon wisdom, and she will watch over you; love her, and she will guard you. Wisdom is supreme—so get wisdom. And whatever else you get, get understanding.”
-Proverbs 4:6-7

Involvement in mentoring, both being one and having one, can open your eyes to new possibilities. A mentor relationship can help identify new ways to innovate, improve, and establish efficiencies. Committing to your own positive evolution and to the big-picture of perpetuating great leadership pays only dividends to all involved.

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