The new buzzword in leadership is disruption – disruption in workflow, disruption in processes, disruption in the approach to work and working. Disruption, defined as previously dismissed methods taking over the traditional, is being normalized in a different way. For example, working from home and conversations around mental health.

The new disruptive culture makes some leaders squirm. New can be scary, but innovation is what leads businesses to higher heights. This includes innovation in leadership. Traditional leadership looked very top-down. But leadership today runs through the ranks of your organization, and businesses are seeing greater success because of it.

Change is Good

Leadership and the workplace look a lot different than they did even ten years ago. As you develop leadership throughout your organization, know that adaptability and flexibility are essential.

Good leaders are ready to pivot. The roller-coaster of our economic markets is good training for managing the new forms of change that have been ushered in over the past few years. Some workstyle and communication changes are a cultural shift away from Baby Boomer leadership to Millennial leadership styles. Success in handling these sometimes seismic shifts comes down to experience and open-mindedness.

Disruption and the Role of Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching and mentoring are not performance management tools. Rather, coaching and mentoring can help future leaders recognize strengths, develop certain skills, and improve performance. Mentoring and coaching as a leader within your organization is less formal and is more of a conversation, a demonstration of behaviors day-to-day, and a hands-on process for helping employees recognize opportunities to improve their performance and abilities.

Formal coaching with a leadership expert is more structured and is designed to help a specific leader develop a set of skills to reach their goals. Often a leader who feels stuck in their career will work with a leadership consultant to move beyond that plateau. Or senior management will call in a leadership consultant to work with a specific management team member to remedy a defined issue.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

— Charles Darwin

Objectivity and Growth

An objective view of your business, your leadership style, and your potential can help any business grow. Liddell Consulting Group works with business owners and senior management to pinpoint areas to leverage for cultivating future leadership and maximizing success. Contact us today to get started!

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