Liddell Leads

Insights from Liddell Consulting Group, Leadership Consulting Firm Boston

When it comes to Business Planning, Planning is the Easy Part

October 2nd, 2019 | Liddell Leads
business planning

Let’s assume you have taken the time and effort to create a deliberate and thoughtful business plan for your company. One that has outlined your mission, vision, values, and has definitive business goals and objectives. Good for you! That is certainly the first step. Unfortunately, 90% of companies fail at successfully executing their strategic plans, […]

Find your next speaker at Liddell.

September 26th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

With over 15 years experience working in a variety of organizations, Liddell Consulting Group delivers relevant information to your audience. Our engagements are centered around your event goals and are designed to leave a lasting impression on your audience. Our goal with every speaking engagement is to inspire the audience to return to their organization […]

Successful Leaders Make a Difference – From the Desk of Dave Liddell, September

September 24th, 2019 | Liddell Leads
successful leaders make a difference - apples

Workplace culture matters for long-term success.

September 24th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

A culture of engagement is powerful in employee retention, productivity, and profitability, and when leaders find their purpose, they can become the driving force behind their organization’s ability to succeed. Liddell Consulting Group’s programs help set leaders on a course to recognize value and create a company culture of engagement.

Bill Gates Says This 1 Simple Habit Separates Successful Leaders From Everyone Else |

September 23rd, 2019 | Liddell Leads

There’s some very good guidance here but don’t be fooled by the headline. #Leadership requires a combination of skills applied in the correct proportions based on the situation and desired outcomes. #success #employeeengagement #talentoptimization #liddellleads The co-founder of Microsoft prescribes a principle that will raise every leader’s bar. Source: Bill Gates Says This 1 Simple […]

What does employee engagement look like?

September 23rd, 2019 | Liddell Leads

It’s easy to imagine the average day for an actively disengaged employee. But what does an engaged worker look like? This is a person who is motivated beyond the normal duties of their job description, is driven by the organization’s vision, understands their value in the organization, and consistently demonstrates the behavior to support the […]

Your most talented employees can become disengaged if they’re not challenged enough.

September 20th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

Don’t let your superstars surf the net on slow afternoons – reward them by investing in their professional development. Approach them with questions like, “Do you feel that you are currently doing the best work of your life? Are there skills you could develop that would enable you to do your best work, or ways […]

Finding the right work-life balance for your organization is key.

September 18th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

Leaning too much in the “work” or “life” direction always leads to unintended consequences. In an environment where balance is not the goal, employees can end up feeling unappreciated and managers may get the sense they are carrying too much of the load as they focus on putting in the time. Read more about building […]

When company leaders take ownership, a culture can be created that results in an engaged workplace.

September 16th, 2019 | Liddell Leads
engaged employees

Instead of by accident, a little foresight and intention along with a substantial dose of persistence can result in a win-win situation. Defining culture and finding the ideal balance while prioritizing profitability and productivity takes introspection, but the leaders who look beyond the blame game and place value on the diverse needs of our modern […]

Feel the Love – Creating an engaging workplace culture.

September 9th, 2019 | Liddell Leads

If you believe that talking about creating an engaging workplace culture is too “soft” for your idea of what a successful business is, then we would like to pose to you a question… What is the relationship between employee engagement and business success? One recent Gallup Poll* concluded that 34% of workers are engaged, 16.5% […]

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